Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Maya Deren - At Land

I went to the exhiition a couple of weeks ago and there were outtakes of 
Maya Deren and Marcel Duchamp's film, 
I decided to try look them up on youtube and came across 
this little gem. Although it's not really meant to make sense 
I think it relates to my project quite well, She looks like she
is some magical creature that came from the sea.

I have access to a camera again, so here you go

Saturday, 10 April 2010

For Miss Webber and her book.

Well after multiple attempts of uploading the image to facebook for you and it deciding to invert the colours I thought I'd try and upload it here to see whether it was just facebook being rubbish or whether I have just done something strange to the file...(it comes up perfectly fine as a file on my computer...hmm).

Brick Lane Girl

Turns out it is just facebook being rubbish...! Is this style okay and do you want colour? Because I have it in black and white also if you don't. I just filled it in using photoshop colour, I'm not used to it as I do black and white usually but I think it looks nice in colour. If you send me your email I can give you the propper file.

Camden Crusty

Tempted to put a beer can by him? 

Sunday, 4 April 2010


Okay so I have 5 weeks, and in this 5 weeks I need to DRAW DRAW DRAW/Sculpt? Well, after dragging 12.5Kg back to the shop because I got the wrong clay, we'll see when I get the 'right' clay...

I finally sat down and finished the illustration that I started, I could probably add more forever, but I have put my foot down, stopping, and going to start a new one. If when I've done some new ones I look at it and think it needs something else I'll do it then but for now I'm calling it done.

I really wanted to put a photo up because I'm actually quite proud of it, usually I end up hating stuff I do, but my boyfriend has gone on tour and taken the I can't show 'you' properly. 

In the meantime, have some photos from my cackberry  camera, to get the idea of the shape and what I've added, and IMAGINE those lines are like the ones in the photos in the previous post ;)

An idea of the shape...

I added a bird claw with hair draped over (continued from the Siren up top) and some plant stuff...

On the right hand side I added a branch with bits of leaves etc...

I will put better photos up once I get the camera!!!

It seems sort of strange that I now have to start from scratch on a new drawing.

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Preview of unfinished work

I haven't updated this for a while but here are a few photos of the type of work I am making (unfinished).
This is an evolved version of something I posted previously. They are slightly blurry in places because the camera decided to focus on certain areas...(I'm not a photographer)...but they are too big to scan: