Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Poster that I illustrated for the City of Gold Record's First Birthday Show.

Once again I went blog hopping and in the meantime this happened:

Fashion Promotion and Imaging, Ba Hons, 2:1

I also realised that I never actually posted my final images on here so I will do that now. 

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Maya Deren - At Land

I went to the exhiition a couple of weeks ago and there were outtakes of 
Maya Deren and Marcel Duchamp's film, 
I decided to try look them up on youtube and came across 
this little gem. Although it's not really meant to make sense 
I think it relates to my project quite well, She looks like she
is some magical creature that came from the sea.

I have access to a camera again, so here you go